22-22 Mar 2021 En ligne (France)
Les solutions techniques de l'EOSC : la couche infrastructure
Vincent Breton  1  
1 : Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire de Clermont  (LPC)
Centre national de la recherche scientifique - CNRS (France), Université de Clermont-Ferrand

In oder to build the infrastructure layer enabling open science, it is necessary to bridge the gap between the open data repositories and the infrastructure services needed to process the data. EOSC-Pillar WP7 is about making these services more Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable. The Work Package brings together user communities, use cases, e-infrastructure and service providers, providing technical and strategic guidance for the integration and federation of services in the EOSC ecosystem and defining solutions for new services to access distributed resources.

The objectives of WP7 are to

· bring together user communities, use cases, e-infrastructure and service providers
· provide technical and strategic guidance for the integration and federation of services in the EOSC
· define solutions for new services to access distributed resources
· mediate and coordinate between technical experts and communities in the project
· support the integration of federating solutions with services in the national frameworks
· set up and test AAI solutions and proof of interoperability
· perform the validation and prove readiness for deployment of federating services through the reallife
experience of scientific communities
· steer federated services on a trans-national level, feedback to standardisation activities
· deploy service solutions as developed in WP6 in the federation framework or national
· test specific services of European-wide interest for their ability to be integrated in the EOSC

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