22-22 Mar 2021 En ligne (France)
EOSC-Pillar: Présentation du projet
Fulvio Galeazzi  1  
1 : EOSC-Pillar Project Manager / GARR

The project aims to support the coordination and harmonization of national initiatives relevant to EOSC in Europe and investigate the option for them to interfederate at a later stage, help integrating initiatives and data/cloud providers through the development of common policies and tools, and facilitate user communities in adopting and using these services and propose new ones born from their scientific domain. To this end, the project will integrate a bottom-up approach (by voicing the requirements and needs expressed by the different scientific communities operating at the national level) and a top-down one (by harmonising the national strategies and translating them in a viable work plan). In the longer term, this is expected to facilitate the design and adoption of common policies and streamline the process of joining EOSC for service providers and user communities while helping populating the EOSC with useful services of wider European interest, based on the real needs and interests of the European scientific communities. In order to maximise this simplification process, the project will collaborate with related regional and thematic initiatives.


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